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Developing and Effective Customer Service System

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Background:You are a salesperson for a small boutique shop, Studio Productions, specializing in print design, web design, motion graphics, DVD production, and presentations. Your company is located in an urban area where there is much competition in a dwindling economy.

The company consists of the original 2 owners/partners, 1 office manager, 1 project manager, 3 designers, 1 technical support person, and 3 salespeople. Although the company is small, they have been in business for over 10 years and have some key alliances. Some of the large advertising firms and public relations firms outsource work to your shop. Some of your projects are outsourced for: printing, slide production, high-end video edits, and illustration.
With the changes in the economy, the company has chosen to stay small in order to respond quickly, but revenues are continuing to drop, and repeat business is slowing considerably. More often, the owners are bartering services with alliances because liquid assets are unavailable. The 2 owners serve as artists/ designers, sometimes salespeople, and also attempt to lead marketing efforts, but without a strategic marketing plan.

Clients tend to be friends of the owners, one-person businesses, advertising agencies, large internationally recognized companies, and marketing or sales professionals in various industries.

Problem: The owners were impressed with your argument that good customer more service equals more business. "Customer service" is now officially a salesperson's responsibility.
You've been "elected" by the other two salespeople to take the lead in getting everyone up to speed.

Think about how well Studio Productions has been at creating a successful customer service system (internally and externally). Develop a short presentation answering the following questions:
?What are the 4 characteristics of a successful customer service system?
?How could both internal and external customer service be improved at
Studio Productions to affect customer satisfaction and loyalty?
?What is a blueprint of customer service systems?
?How can Studio Productions use a blueprint in creating successful customer
service systems? What would be an example blueprint?

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Solution Summary

The solution develops an effective customer service system as a salesperson for a small boutique shop.

Solution Preview

According to the wikipedia "A customer is someone who makes use of or receives the products or services of an individual or organization. "

Thus customer uses the product or service of another individual or firm.

Internal Customer
An internal customer is "anyone you count on or rely upon to complete a task or a
function or to provide you with information so that you can get your job done...and
anyone who counts on you to complete a task or function or to provide them with
information so that they can get their job done." (Rosenberger, 1998)
Internal customers are those people and employees who might use your services and products, who reside in the same company. For example the computer department, and human resources department serve internal needs.
http://customerservicezone.com/Customer_Service_-_Internal_Customers/ as ...

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