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training in customer service skills

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You are the Training Director of the HR Department. Julie, the manager of your Customer Service Unit, has come to see you. She feels that her staff does not do a very good job of interacting professionally with customers when they call in with product complaints. She feels they need some training in customer service skills.

1. How will you handle Julie's request?
2. What data will you gather?
3. How will you determine if this is indeed a problem that can be solved with training?
4. Then assuming that the needs analysis led you to the conclusion that training in customer service skills is needed, decide on a particular skill on which you want to initiate training for the Customer Service staff.

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Training in customer service skills.

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1) I will handle Julie's request with utmost urgency because total customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal for any organization today. First of all, I will interact with Julie to go gather more information on all those issues that needs to be handled and improved with respect to customer service staff. Secondly, I will ask my team members to conduct a detailed analysis on the discrepancies involved. Third, I will see what resources Ihave to fulfil Julie's request and solve the discrepancies and last, I will develop the training program either by utlizing current resources or by utlizing external ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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