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Ethics of Internet Marketing Research

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Cookies are placed in personal computers so that when consumers search for information, where they search and what they find is used to present adversing to those consumers.

Does Marketing Research invade or lead to the invasion of the privacy of individuals? If yes, defend your position. If no, defend your position.

Demonstrate your understanding ethics and if it possible for the marketing researcher to divorce himself of herself from the use of the information that researcher collects and ensure that you demonstrate your learning of the marketing research concepts and frameworks for analysis outlined as follows:

Evaluate the ethics of using technology to determine who is watching an advertisement and changing the advertisement based on the demographics of that viewer.

Aun, Fred J (2009, February 4). The Scent Of A Woman, Kiosk Style. Evan Schulman's StorefrontBacktalk: Techniques, Tools, and Tirades about Retail Technology and e-Commerce. Available on 10-Nov-09 at

Part 2-

The Marketing Research Association's Code of Ethics was written when marketing managers did not have the capability of implementing findings instantaneously.

How would you change the Marketing Researh Association's Code of Ethics to reflect the ability of Marketing Research to identify the behavior of individuals and to immediately change promotions directed toward those individuals
demonstrate your understanding ethics and if it possible for the marketing researcher to divorce himself of herself from the use of the information that researcher collects and ensure that you demonstrate your learning of the marketing research concepts and frameworks for analysis outlined as follows:

Explain what changes, if any, should be made in the Marketing Research Association's code of ethics that reflect the ethics of using technology to change online advertising based on (stored) demographics and (stored) patterns of viewing.

Author Unknown (2007, March). The Code of Marketing Research Standards, Marketing Research Association.
Available on 10-Nov-09 at

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses the ethical approach of Internet Marketing, Cookies, Storing Demographics, and Patterns of Viewing. Has Marketing Research gone to far? A MS word document is included for your research library. Thank you for using Brain Mass.

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What is a cookie? According to Microsoft Security, "it is a small file that websites place on your computer's hard disk drive when you first visit." How does a cookie work? Have you ever placed items in virtual shopping cart and returned a few days later and they are still there? This is an example of how a cookie works." It remembers when you visit a website. Microsoft Security assures consumers, "if you do not leave any personal information and never register, then the server only knows someone with your cookie has returned to the site." In addition, AllAboutCookies.org explains, "there are two types of cookies. A Session Cookie helps the website to remember your information while you are browsing. The shopping cart example from Microsoft Security is a session cookie. A Persistent Cookie is stored on your hard disk drive and need to be deleted.

What is ethics? According to Ethics and the Conduct of Business, 6th Edition "Ethics is concerned not with ...

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