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Marketing & Communication/ Implementing Strategies

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a) What other considerations are important when working to communicate with customers and prospective customers regarding product development? What are other great sources for market research during the product development process?

b) As a marketer you are promoting a high level of service and consistent expectations.
Any suggestions to ensure consistent experiences for customers?

c) How can marketers implement strategies that increase service quality?

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Solution Summary

This solution addresses the following questions:
a) What other considerations are important when working to communicate with customers and prospective customers regarding product development? What are other great sources for market research during the product development process?

b) As a marketer you are promoting a high level of service and consistent expectations.
Any suggestions to ensure consistent experiences for customers?

c) How can marketers implement strategies that increase service quality?

Solution Preview

a) What other considerations are important when working to communicate with customers and prospective customers regarding product development? What are other great sources for market research during the product development process?

Great sources for market research during product development include customer surveys, market checks to survey competition, interaction with customers and target market. Also, industry news is worthwhile and can be accessed via blogs, newsletters, and seminars, as well as industry meetings. Often it is important to consider what is happening outside of one's immediate geographic area to see if there are developments that might be helpful in other places in the world.

It is important to let customers know that product development is occurring and give them ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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