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Marketing Descriptive Research Design

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I am the marketing manager of Sweet Cookies, Inc. which is planning to launch a new line of cookies to assess the market size. The cookies have a mixed chocolate-pineapple flavor and will be targeted at the premium end of the market.

Discuss the six W's of a descriptive research design and how they may be adapted for Sweet Cookies.

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This solution explains the six W's of a descriptive research design and how they may be adapted for Sweet Cookies.

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Please refer to file response attached, which is also presented below. I hope this helps and take care.

Starting with a marketing plan means STARTING at the beginning. That means, that your Marketing Action Plan must begin with the research required to know whom you are aiming your product or service to. Without a target group that has a need or desire, you are just wasting your time. How are they going to do this? One approach is to use the descriptive research method e.g. the Six Ws:

Question #1:
· Who are you? People need to see you as credible and you need to do everything with this in the back of your ...

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