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Marketing Research/Buyer Behavior

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My research topic is reducing Obesity in Children. I need help getting started. Any help will be appreciated.

Throughout the course, you will be developing a marketing research proposal. For this unit, complete the following tasks:
? Select a research topic.
? Define the research problem.
? Develop the research approach.

Thank you.

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Solution Summary

In relation to Reducing Obesity in Children, this solution helps to define the research problem and then discusses various research approaches to consider. Extra links are also provided for further research.

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Please see response attached (also presented below). I hope this helps and take care.


? Select a research topic.

My research topic is reducing Obesity in Children

? Define the research problem.

Obesity in children is on the rise in both US and Canada. Between 5-25 percent of children and teenagers in the United States are obese (Dietz, 1983). As with adults, the prevalence of obesity in the young varies by ethnic group. It is estimated that 5-7 percent of White and Black children are obese, while 12 percent of Hispanic boys and 19 percent of Hispanic girls are obese (Office of Maternal and Child Health, 1989). Some data indicate that obesity among children is on the increase. The second National Children and Youth Fitness Study found 6-9 year olds to have thicker skinfolds than their counterparts in the 1960s (Ross & Pate, 1987). During the same period, others documented a 54 percent increase in the prevalence of obesity among 6-11 year olds (Gortmaker, Dietz, Sobol, & Wehler, 1987) (http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content2/obesity.html for other contributing factors, which could also inform your marketing strategy - lack of exercise is one correlate of obesity, for example, so one of the marketing strategies could be ads on TV showing children riding bikes and playing sports, etc.).

In fact, increased marketing has played a role in this phenomenon. In the early 1980s the Reagan administration lifted most regulations pertaining to advertising to children. As a result, the number of commercials seen by the average child increased greatly, and a large proportion of these were for fast food and candy. (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity for other factors). Clearly, this is a timely study.

? Develop the research ...

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