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Project's MIRR and IRR

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1a. what is the project's MIRR?
b. what is the conceptual difference between the IRR and the MIRR?
c. which is better?
d. why?

2. suppose a potential customer wants to know the project's profitability index (PI). what is the value of the PI for Hoskins, and what is the rationale behind this measure?

3. under what conditions do NPV, IRR, MIRR and PI all lead to the same accpet/reject decision? when can conflicts occur? if a conflict rises, which method should be used and why?

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This provides the steps to calculate the project's MIRR

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1a. what is the project's MIRR?
b. what is the conceptual difference between the IRR and the MIRR?
c. which is better?
d. ...

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