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Identify the problems associated with the project and discuss how project management principles were used to reach project goals in the face of adversity. Provide recommendations on how results could have been optimized.

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Describe a recent project. Identify the problems associated with the project and discuss how project management principles were used to reach project goals in the face of adversity. Provide recommendations on how results could have been optimized.

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Discussion describes the problems that were faced in the development of Netscape Navigator 6.

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Use the Internet or other resources to research a recent project. Identify the problems associated with the project and discuss how project management principles were used to reach project goals in the face of adversity. Provide recommendations on how results could have been optimized.
The problems that were faced in the development of Netscape Navigator 6:
Some of the bugs that affect Navigator's standards compliance include:
· The DOM method createEntityReference() does not function
· Kindly think in the following terms: HTML <DL> essentials may not be nested within <DD> elements. Although this practice is common, and a fix for the bug is available, Netscape will not fix this bug for Navigator 6. Instead, they will simply document it in the release notes.
· The Document.referrer goods (specified by DOM Level 0) is not correctly implemented.
· You should think of the following: The DOM methods removeChild() and replaceChild() can crash the browser. There is a patch available for this bug, but it will not be applied for Navigator 6.0.
· The JavaScript Date.toDateString() and Date.toTimeString() are specified by the ECMAScript standards, but are not ...

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