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Budget Project for Cost Accounting Class

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Cost Accounting Class have decided she needs to take a long vacation. They have decided to make & sell 8 oz. Bags of Cinnamon Almonds for $2 each to finance her vacation. They will donate their time. Data for all other costs is given below. The sale will for the month of February

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The solution examines budget programs for cost accounting class.

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Cinnamon Almonds II
The students in Ms. Halford's Cost Accounting Class have decided she needs to take a looong vacation. They have decided to make & sell 8 oz. Bags of Cinnamon Almonds ( recipe below) for$2 each to finance her vacation. They will donate their time. Data for all other costs is given below. The sale will for the month of Febuary

Complete the Budget Anaylsis Below 40 pts
Compute the Price & Effeciency Variences for Sugar, Cinnamon, Almonds, Baggies & Kitchen Rental 40 pts
Budget Information They actually used:
Each baggie reguires 1 baggie, .2 lbs of sugar, .05 oz of cinnamon & .3lbs of almonds Sugar 1350 lbs 0.41
Almonds 2100 lbs 2.2
They expect to make 1120 bags ...

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