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Midwest Packaging's ROE

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Return on equity Midwest Packaging's ROE last year was only 3 percent, but its management has developed a new operating plan that calls for a total debt ratio of 60 percent,which will result in annual interest charges of $300,000. Management projects an EBIT of $1,000,000 on sales of $10,000,000, and it expects to have a total assets turnover ratio of 2.0. Under these conditions, the tax rate will be 34 percent. If the changes are made, what will be its return on equity?

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This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation to answer if the changes are made, what will be its return on equity.

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Midwest Packaging's ROE last year was only 3 percent, but its management has developed a new operating plan that calls for a total debt ratio of 60 percent, which will result in annual interest charges of $300,000. Management ...

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