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Six Sigma

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1.What is the value of total quality management from a strategy-executing standpoint? How does TQM differ from business process reengineering?

2.Explain what Six Sigma quality control programs are all about and how their use can contribute to a company's strategy execution effort.

3.What action steps can managers take to build a total quality culture and instill a strong commitment to continuously improving how strategy is being executed?

4.Discuss how the Six Sigma process of define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) works. What is the logic underlying the DMAIC process?

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Six Sigma is discussed very comprehensively in this explanation..

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1.What is the value of total quality management from a strategy-executing standpoint? How does TQM differ from business process reengineering?
The value of total quality management from the strategy-executing standpoint is tremendous. The focus of total quality management is on improving the awareness of quality in all organizational processes. Thus if total quality management is applied to strategy-executing standpoint, the strategy will be executed better. In short it means that total quality management will improve all the processes. The result will be that the goals of the strategy will be achieved on time and using the planned budget.
Total quality management is a business management strategy designed to improve the consciousness of quality in every organizational process. On the other hand business process reengineering aims at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes from a clean slate stand point and determine how these can be reconstructed to make them more efficient. When applying total quality management the focus is to create an awareness of quality and improve quality. On the other hand business process reengineering reexamines the process it focuses on and studies how these processes can be ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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  • "I read your comments, and thank you for this feedback. Do I need to find other studies that applied this methodology Ive used? That's where I'm stuck at."
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  • "Excellent and well explained. --Thank you kindly. "
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