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Toyota's mission

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Is Toyota's mission aligned with the needs of their stakeholders?

Identify one of Toyota's main stakeholders and determine what their needs are in regard to Toyota.

Critically analyze whether Toyota's mission and vision take the needs, goals, and objectives of its stakeholders into account.

In a word or a phrase, conceptualize the company Toyota wants to be.

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Toyota's mission is discussed in great detail in this solution.

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Is Toyota's mission aligned with the needs of their stakeholders?

Toyota's mission is not aligned with the needs of its stakeholders. The mission is "Toyota seeks to create a more prosperous society through automotive manufacturing". Toyota addresses the needs of the society and the consumers, however, the mission does not align the company with the needs of shareholders, employees, and management.

Identify one of Toyota's main stakeholders and determine what their needs are in regard to Toyota.
Toyota's main stakeholder is ...

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