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Country Risk and Strategic Planning Analysis Paper

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I just need help with the two bullets that are in bold font.
For a wine distribution company expanding from France to other countries.
Control and evaluation
Devise contingency plan

The following is the whole assignment for better understanding of the project.

Conduct a country risk analysis for your selected global business venture. Analyze the following risks in your paper:

Political, legal, and regulatory risks
Exchange and repatriation of funds risks
Competitive risk assessment
Taxation and double taxation risks
Market risks (four Ps)
Distribution and supply chain risks
Physical and environmental challenges to entering and operating in a target market
Social and cultural risks
Cyber or technology

Describe how you would manage these risks

Summarize your strategic planning process:

Define and clarify mission and objectives
SWOT analysis of target country
Make strategy selection
Select and justify an appropriate mode of entry for your global product or service
Control and evaluation
Devise contingency plan

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The following posting helps conduct a risk analysis for a global business venture.

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I have outlines both for you. I did not create a specific contingency plan, because I do not have enough information about the what you have for the other sections. I have identified the areas that have to be covered in the plan. If you need further help, please ask.

Control is the mechanism that provides information to the company about performance. When companies maintain subsidiaries or other satellites outside of their home country, there are many controls that need to be in place. These will have to address economic and political issues on an external scan. Just as important are the internal scans.
Making sure each department is performing up to expectations is important for the company to control both costs and to identify where projects may have issues. Financial controls would have to be set up to make sure capital improvements, currency rates, and fees and taxes are taken care of properly within the laws of both the host country and the home country. ...

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