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SWOT - Amazon.com

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You are the head of a marketing department. Amazon.com is a competitor of yours. You read a case study about Amazon.com (which can be found in the internet) and determine that doing a SWOT analysis of Amazon may help you with your own strategies.

1. Perform a SWOT analysis by identifying the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
2. After reviewing the SWOT analysis of Amazon, propose strategies to take advantage of their weaknesses to help increase your market share.

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SWOT - Amazon.com

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Extensive web presence and reach.

Impressive brand name, especially in online book retailing.

Innovative technology and customer oriented web portal


Amazon, by trying to enter other product categories, may risk damaging its brand.

The company may at some point need to reconsider its strategy of offering free shipping to customers. It is a fair strategy since one could visit a more local retailer, and pay no costs. However, it is rumoured that shipping costs could be up to $500m, and such a high figure would undoubtedly erode profits.

The company is now increasingly cashing in on its credentials as an online retail pioneer by selling its expertise to major store groups. For example, British retailer Marks and Spencer announced a joint ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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