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Demographic Analysis

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Demographic Analysis

ii) Visit Claritas using this link: http://www.claritas.com/MyBestSegments/Default.jsp?ID=0&SubID=&pageName=Home

iii) Select Free Report from the right hand toolbar. Enter your zip code (or a zip code of your choice). What do you learn about the area you live in?

iv) Then, go to http://www.census.gov and perform the same exercise. Select American FactFinder from the toolbar on the left. Type the zip code in the box provided and select Go.

What do you found from these two web sites.

(1) What did you find that surprised you?

(2) How are they different?

(3) How are they the same?

(4) How might these two market research sources help a company develop a marketing mix?

(5) What might each of the 2 sources tell you about consumer behavior in your area?

(6) How reliable is the data when using it for market research?

(7) In what ways might the market research information presented by the two sources not be helpful? Explain.

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Demographic Analysis

ii) Visit Caritas using this link: http://www.claritas.com/MyBestSegments/Default.jsp?ID=0&SubID=&pageName=Home

iii) Select Free Report from the right hand toolbar. Enter your zip code (or a zip code of your choice). What do you learn about the area you live in?

iv) Then, go to http://www.census.gov and perform the same exercise. Select American FactFinder from the toolbar on the left. Type the zip code in the box provided and select Go.

What do you found from these two web sites.

From these two sites I found that the Caritas web site goes to the exact area on the basis of the zip code and actually segments the area. This web site addresses the exact needs of the market researcher. On the other hand the www.census.gov gives information about the entire area but does not segment it in the manner the Caritas website does. So, since I choose Zip Code 56510, Ada City, I was able to go to the segment Back Country Folks in the Caritas website but in case of census.gov I had to get information about the Ada City.

(1) What did you find that surprised you?

Caritas surprised me because it gave me very clear demographic Traits. The traits like Urbancity, Age ranges, employment ...

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