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SoBe Zero Calorie Lifewater

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Task: Review the portion of Web Chapter A concerning new product innovation. You can access Web Chapter A at this web address: http://www.pearsonhighered.com/wheelen/cases.html. Then select a new product that you have been introduced to in the past 12 months [Note: this response was created in 2010 and a 2010 example is used]. You are also welcome and encouraged to research this new product using outside sources. You are to create a PowerPoint presentation about the marketing strategy for this relatively new product. Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following elements:

Slide 1: Title page

Slide 2: Description of the new product

Slide 3: Explain which category of innovation is emphasized.

Slide 4: List what differentiates the product from the competition.

Slide 5: Describe the product's target market and its demographics.

Slide 6: Describe the market size and potential product demand.

Slide 7: Explain in which stage of the product life cycle is the product.

Slide 8: Predict product demand in 5 years.

Slide 9: List of sources using APA guidelines

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Slide 1:
Title Page

Maybe something along the lines of "SoBe Zero Calorie Life Water with Purevia"

Slide 2:
Description of New Product

SoBe Zero Calorie Life Water with Purevia currently introduced two new products to their line, Strawberry Dragonfruit and Cherimoya Punch.

What is this product? Zero calorie SoBe Lifewaterr with Purevia is a naturally sweetened vitamin enhanced water beverage that gives you vitamins and antioxidants (antioxidant vitamins C and E and a good source of B complex vitamins).

Calorie SoBe Life water has 0-calories per 8oz serving and is naturally sweetened with PureViaTM. SoBe Lifewater is 40-calories per 8oz serving and naturally sweetened with a blend of sucrose and erythritol. Both 0-Calorie SoBe Lifewater and SoBe Lifewater are enhanced with a high level of vitamins, antioxidants, and natural herbal ingredients.

What is Purevia?
Consumers have been waiting a long time for a zero calorie, all-natural sweetener that doesn't sacrifice authentic great taste and PureVia is the answer. PureVia is derived from Stevia, a plant native to South America. PureVia's sweetness comes from Reb-A, a high-purity extract of the stevia leaf.

Is Reb-A Natural?
Yes, Reb-A is a natural extract of the stevia plant. Reb-A is non-synthetic and nothing about Reb-A is chemically or structurally altered when it is extracted ...

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