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Dangers and Advantages of Globalization

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What are the relative dangers and advantages of globalization for developing countries?

How can they seize the advantages of globalization and avoid the dangers?

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This solution looks at the dangers and advantages of globalization. In doing so, it looks at how developing countries can seize the advantages while avoiding the dangers of globalization from a practical perspective.

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Dangers and Advantages of Globalization:

Globalization, an act whereby developing countries are propelled to carry out trade in another country as a result of the increase in the economic integration, which is in turn facilitated by increase in trade and investment in the host country, has several advantages and disadvantages associated. Globalization is directly related to the greater movement of capital goods as well as the human capital within different countries which ensures that economic integration within the identified countries of trade is enhanced (Schaeffer, 2009).

Benefits as well as challenges present themselves when it comes to globalization however, developing countries should always utilize the available benefits with an aim of avoiding the challenges which may arise from the act of globalization (Globalization, 2011).

Increase in the rate of economic growth of the developing country is one of the benefits which present it in comparison to the countries which restrict themselves towards engaging in ...

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