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Good vs. Bad Sterols - Discussion Question

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I have done some research on this question, but just need some help please. I just copied and pasted some of my research but you can use some of it or delete all of it. I will do a lot of research and write something up, but I just want to know if I am on the right path, especially for the question regarding the chemical formula and what the good form of the sterol does in the body.

A middle-aged woman has been diagnosed as being at high-risk of developing Coronary Artery Disease.

What is the chemical formula of the sterol that is present in high levels in many people in the high-risk group.

(Cannot find this: LDL (low density lipids) is a mixture of several lipids so it can not be represented by a single formula. - is this correct?)

How are the "good" and "bad" forms of this troublesome sterol different?

Explain what 'good' form of this sterol does in the body.

Particles called lipoproteins carry cholesterol in the blood. There are two kinds of lipoproteins, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). LDL makes up the majority of the body's cholesterol. LDL is known as "bad" cholesterol because having high levels can lead to a buildup in the arteries and result in heart disease. (CDC,2010) Builds up and blocks your arteries. Helps to cause heart disease. Good level = Less than 100mg/dL if you have high risk for heart disease. Less than 130mg/dL if you are otherwise healthy (FDA,2010)
LDL molecules are the major carriers of cholesterol in the blood, and each one contains approximately 1,500 molecules of cholesterol ester. They lead to plaque formation, which are the main causes of heart attacks, strokes, and other serious medical problems. (FDA,2010)

HDL absorbs cholesterol and carries it back to the liver, which flushes it from the body. High levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. (CDC,2010) Helps to keep the arteries from clogging up. Protects against heart disease. Good level is Good level =60mg/dL or Higher (FDA,2010)

List the food groups that are the sources of the bad form. (Saturated fats) Examples of foods containing a high proportion of saturated fat include animal fats such as cream, cheese, butter, and ghee; suet, tallow, lard, and fatty meats; as well as certain vegetable products such as coconut oil, cottonseed oil, palm kernel oil, chocolate, and many prepared food.

What non pharmaceutical methods can be used to control the levels of this sterol?

Lower levels of Saturated fats; Eat more fiber; Increase your intake of Fish and fish; Moderate consumption of alcohol can raise levels of HDL "good" cholesterol; green tea contains compounds that can help lower LDL cholesterol. Regular consumption of nuts can bring modest reductions in cholesterol. Switch spreads.
Recent years have seen the introduction of margarine-like spreads and other foods fortified with cholesterol-lowering plant compounds known as stanols.

Don't smoke.

Smoking lowers levels of HDL "good" cholesterol and is a major risk factor for heart disease. (WebMD, 2011).

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Solution Summary

The following posting helps with problems involving sterols in the body. Concepts discusses include low-density and high-density lipids.

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