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Drawings of structures of amino acids

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E. Draw the structure of the disaccharide cellubiose, This is two glucose monosaccharides with a beta-1,4' glucosidic linkage. Circle the anomeric carbon. Is this a reducing sugar? Explain.

2. See the attachment for the three amino acids Valine, Glutamic Acid, Histidine.

A. Draw the zwitterion structure of valine:
B. How many different tripeptides are possible with these three amino acids. List them out using the abbreviations.
C. Select one of your tripeptides from B and draw out its complete structure. Label the N-terminus, the C-terminus, and a peptide bond.

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The solution shows how to draw various structures of amino acids as well as disaccharide cellubiose.

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1.Cellobiose is a disachharide subunit of cellulose composed of two glucose molecules linled in a beta(1-4 bond) ...

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