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Describe the sequence of events

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Suppose three values (x, y, and z) are stored in a machine's memory. Describe the sequence of events (loading registers from memory, saving values in memory, and so on) that lead to the computation of x + y + z. How about (2x) + y?

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Describing the sequence of events for a machine's memory, this solution is just under 300 words. Furthermore, the sequence of action to calculate m = (2x) + y and store the result back into memory is given.

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The answer is as follows as well as in the attached file.

First thing first,

For the computation of m = x+y+z, where m is the memory location which store the value of x+y+z. The sequence of events is as follows:

1.load the value of x from memory to register 0;
load R0, ...

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