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application that uses objects to query and update a data source

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Create the form's user interface with the necessary labels and text boxes to display the fields from the underlying table.

Create a main menu for the form. Create a menu title having a menu item named Exit to exit the solution. On the Edit menu, create menu items to add, edit, and cancel editing of the current record, and to update and delete database records. On the Navigate menu, create menu items to locate the first, previous, next, and last record in the database table.

Using the Data tab on the Toolbox, create an instance of the OleDbConnection control, and configure it so that you establish a connection with the database named Chapter.08Data08Factory.mdb, setting the drive designator as necessary.

Generate a DataSet for the DataAdapter you just created. Set the DataSet name to dsParts. Write the necessary code to bind the fields in the underlying DataSet to the text boxes that you just created. Perform this task when the form loads.

Create the code for the Add, Edit, Update, Cancel, and Delete menu items. So that the user cannot add or delete a record while the current record is being edited, create a sub procedure named EditState to enable and disable menu items as necessary. Enable or disable the text boxes also.

Your solution should calculate the gross profit for the current item by subtracting the cost from the sales price. The total inventory at cost is calculated by multiplying the cost by the quantity on hand. You should display these output values whenever tile user locates a different record, or updates a record. I-lint: Create a sub procedure and call that procedure from the navigation menu items.

Field Name Description Data Type
fldPartNumber Unique Identification Number Long Integer
fldDescription Description on part String
fldCost Cost of part Single
fldSalesPrice Sales price of part Single
fldQuantityOnHand Number of items in inventory Integer

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Solution Summary

An application that uses objects to query and update a data source is modeled.

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