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Databases for Business Intelligence

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Business intelligence systems are sometimes called online analytical processing (OLAP) systems. These OLAP systems are used to make decisions and are characterized by few users submitting long running queries that do not update the database to analyze the historic data of the company. What are some other differences between online transaction processing (OLTP) and online analytical processing systems? How are data warehouses similar or different from these two database models?

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This essay talks about the differences and similarities between Online Analytic Processing System and Online Transaction Processing System. Both these database types are used for business intelligence based on the varying requirements of an organization.

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Jasbir Virdi

Databases for Business Intelligence

Online analytical processing, also known as OLAP, is used for very different purposes compared to OLTP. OLAP systems focus on market research and ways to increase market share, as well as awareness. This type of processing focuses on ways that customers or users of OLTP systems behave and allow the users of OLAP systems to make decisions based on those behaviours. Data in OLAPs is historical and not in real time. Processing in OLAPs uses the historical data to identify and analyze patterns of customer orientation and market behaviour. The database design and architecture ...

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