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Food Security, Food Sourcing

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Do you know where your food comes from? Throughout history, self-sufficiency has been the norm for acquiring food such as grains, meats, fruits, and vegetables. People and nations grew their own food and traded only on a local level. Today, food trade between nations has intensified, food is shipped thousands of miles across the globe, and world trade in agricultural products exceeds $1 trillion annually.

Part 1
Food security means that everyone has an adequate amount of nutritious food to lead healthy lives. You can consider this concept for individuals, for families, for countries, and for the entire human population.
How well is the United States doing in reaching the goal of food security?
Can it provide food security to all people around the world?
Why or why not?
What are some things that could be done to reach this goal?
Think both in terms of growing and distributing food, technology, and global food trade.

Part 2
Choose one of the foods that you have in your kitchen, fridge, or pantry.
Where is this food item grown or raised?
How far has it traveled to get to your home state?
Read the article in the Web Resources about the Eat Local Initiative by Sarah DeWeerdt, Is Local Food Better?
Taking into consideration both benefits and drawbacks, do you think it is it best to buy the food item you chose from a local or from an imported source?
Explain your position.

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Solution Summary

The food item grown or raised is determined. How far an item has grown or raised is given.

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Simply put, food security is only achieved when individuals do not have to worry about where there next meal is come from. This is not to be confused with income security, where individuals are largely satisfied with their level of income and have enough to meet their needs met on a consistent basis. Believe it or not, many would actually contend that it is easier to meet the definition of food security in the United States than it is income security. While America has grave problems with poverty that must addressed, it is not as noticeable when only referring to hunger. Now, let me clear: There are many people in America that go hungry everyday, meaning the United States has not provided food security for all people, but there are more people that do not have the basic necessities of clothing and shelter, yet they have access to food.

So, for your first question: ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Arizona State University
  • MA, University of Phoenix
  • PhD (IP), North Central University
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