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Tropical Rain Forests Sumatra

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Addressing a tropical rain forest of Sumatra, discuss:

1. What an individual can do to help preserve the diversity of the area.
2. What additional measures to insure the preservation of the property would you propose?
3. What will be lost if intrusion goes unchecked? Appeal to the biological diversity.

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A discussion of how an individual can influence the diversity of a rain forests. A suggestion of measures one take to preserve the property. Statements are given on the repercussions of doing nothing.

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A tropical rain forest prevails when the climate is warm and moist most of the year and has an annual precipitation of at least 79 inches.

Most of the undisturbed tropical forests are being destroyed at an accelerated rate. Human encroachment mandates the need for more food and so forest are cleared for more agriculture.

Sumatra is an Island in western Indonesia. Because it has a rainforest, a vast number of plant and animal species exist there. The rainforest is home of the world's largest individual flower, Rafflesia arnoldii, and the world's largest unbranched inflorescence, the titan arum. The island has 201 mammal species and 580 bird species.

Sumatra has lost nearly fifty percent of its tropical rainforest in the last 35 ...

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