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long-term market interest rate

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O'Meara Inc plans to issue 6 million of perpetual bonds. The face value of each bond is $1,000. The semi-annual coupon on the bonds is 4.5%.
Market interest rates on one-year bonds are 8%.
With equal probability, the long-term market interest rate will be either 12% or 6% next year. Assume investors are risk-nuetral.
a) IF the O'Meara bonds are noncallable, what is the price of the bonds?
b) If the bonds are callable one year from today at $1,250, will their price be greater than or less than the price you computed in (a)? WHY?

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Estimate long-term market interest rate in this posting.

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Ain Shams University, Cairo Egypt
  • MBA, California State University, Sacramento
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