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Federal Reserve, Banking, and Inflation

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Read the articles "Fed Official Expects Growth" at http://pittsburghlive.com/x/tribunereview/
business/s_385893.html and "Are Inflation Expectations Rising from the Ashes?"
at http://research.stlouisfed.org/publications/mt/20051101/cover.pdf
· Create a Microsoft© PowerPoint® presentation with 10-12 slides addressing the following
o Why was the Federal Reserve created? What are its essential functions?
o Who are the decision makers of the Federal Reserve? How do these people obtain
these positions?
o How does the Federal Reserve control the monetary system?
o How do banks increase the money supply?
o How is inflation measured?
o What are the causes of inflation?
o Are natural disasters causes of inflation or deflation? Where might the public see the
o What are the costs of inflation?
o Why is inflation so widely feared?
· Include detailed speaker's notes.

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