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Identify one decision that JTI managers must make in each of the six value chain functions for this product.

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JetSet Travel, Inc. (JTI) has been hugely successful in the distribution of stylish, comfortable shoes for travel. JTI sells its products to approximately 4000 retail accounts in the United States and a mix of independent distributors, licenses, and subsidiaries in 35 countries around the world. Most footwear products are produced outside the United States.

Go to the Discussion Board and identify one decision that JTI managers must make in each of the six value chain functions for this product. For each decision, identify one piece of accounting information that would aid the manager's decision. Next, write 5 questions that can be answered by accounting information. For example, "How many shoe styles should JTI produce for next year?" or "Where are the sales trends declining?"

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In a company there are resource strengths represent competitive assets. A company having particular strengths and the competitive capabilities in which they can engage in competitive advantage will allow the company to perfume well in the marketplace. Furthermore, these strengths which take the form on the following :
- A skill or important expertise
- Valuable physical assets
- Valuable human assets
- Valuable organizational assets
- Valuable intangible assets
- An achievable or attribute that puts the ...

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