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Find and analyze an Adult ESL course or lesson online; (include Internet address). Write a brief summary of the course, unit, or lesson, including the anticipated grade or content level. Based on your analysis of the content; develop 5 (TCOs) terminal course objectives for the lesson using the ABCD (audience, behavior, conditions, degree) method of writing objectives.

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The expert finds and analyzes an Adult ESL course or lesson onlines. An analysis of the contents developed in five terminal course objectives for the lessons during the ABCD methods of writing objectives are provided.

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an Adult ESL course or lesson online; (include Internet address). Write a brief summary of the course, unit, or lesson, including the anticipated grade or content level. Based on your analysis of the content; develop 5 (TCOs) terminal course objectives for the lesson using the ABCD (audience, behavior, conditions, degree) method of writing objectives.

The Adult ESL course I will highlight is provided by the Atlanta Public Schools Adult Education Program, and the program teaches adults who are immigrants with limited English proficiency. The objective is to improve their reading, writing, and speaking in English. The anticipated grade or content levels vary as each ESL learner will possess varying degrees of proficiency with some possessing higher degrees than others, but the program is tailored specifically towards the ESL learner's ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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