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RSVP Instructional Framework

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The RSVP Method

View the elements of the RSVP instructional strategy framework below. Select at least two activities you would like to include in your classroom instruction for teaching

1. What is the class you will use for this assignment?
- Grade level.
- Subject matter.
- Mix of students (include at least one of the case study students from the text, pages 6-14).
- Learning styles and other considerations.

2. What two activities you would like to use for classroom instruction?

3. Using the RSVP methodology, how do you analyze the activities for the sections?

4. How do you make sure you are describing each element and your thinking?

5. How would I write a lesson plan incorporating the activities selected?

6. How does the presence of a special needs student affect the decisions you make?

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The expert examines RSVP instructional frameworks.

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I hope these suggestions address any questions you may have about your assignment, and provide you with ideas that help you to create lessons that closely fit your classroom goals.

The RSVP methodology outlines four valid areas of instruction to consider so that a lesson not only meets core requirements of instruction, but also that the lesson can be advantageous for different levels of students, and adaptable to different subjects. The "R" asks if the lesson is something that can be implemented without budgetary concerns. Based upon the activities you choose, you can use materials that you have in-hand: textbooks and the school library. For some of the suggestions below, some colored paper, white copying paper tape, scissors and colored pencils should keep you within budgetary limits. With the understanding that computers are accessible for student use, these can also offer more sources. The "S" asks if it is sound: can it be completed by every student in the classroom, and are you following "principles of human learning and development?" You will want to review these specifics to make sure that your adaptation of the lesson meets these standards. Is it meaningful, which makes it more engaging and worthwhile from the student's standpoint? Of each of these and the subsequent guidelines included in the list, make sure you understand them and consider which activity will best fit, or what details you need to include to make the fit a better one. "V" represents "validity:" will it produce the desired effect if the steps are followed as outlined? Review theoretical guidelines to see how you can make the lesson valid to your specific group of students. Lastly, "P" stands for the "power" or the "reach" of the lesson'can it be adapted to several age groups and in different subjects, and does it work in conjunction with more than one domain? Will it stand up to adjustments necessary for the special needs student, but will these adjustments allow for the continued effectiveness of the lesson after the adjustments are made? These are basic guidelines when creating new lessons. Sometimes understanding these elements are easy, but coming up with ideas is more difficult. I'll give some suggestions that might work well across subject areas and with a diverse group of students in terms of age and/or ability.

The first question asks what class you will use for the assignment. It also specifies that you make an identifications based on a case study in your text. Do not forget to do this. The second question speaks directly to the two activities you will be using. Question three asks you to identify the way you will analyze the activities based on what you know of the RSVP methodology. Review your notes: consider each aspect of your classroom instruction to make sure they fit the requirements of the RSVP model.

In item number four, you are asked how you can know how effectively you have described each "element" and your reasoning. To do this, I would make an outline and go through each step: how to introduce the assignment'for example, do the students require prior knowledge to move forward with your lesson? Have you planned for every contingency within your power? Are your educational materials copied and sorted for immediate student use? Do you have a list of supplies'and have you collected everything? Have you allotted enough time? Do you have a conclusion, and a method to measure the success of the activity? In reviewing all of these things, do you have someone who will be working with you, such as another teacher if you are co-teaching, or an aid for any students with special needs? If so, run all of this past that person: if he/she understands the objectives and the process, you are close to being ready. Follow any specific guidelines you have been given by your instructor and type up the plan, as an outline, breaking it into sections.

In writing a lesson plan, follow the format you have been given or one that you may have discovered on-line or from another class (unless your instructor is looking for a specific format he/she prefers). Lesson plans generally look for a target audience and subject area. As an English teacher, I would concentrate on an activity I could use in English; but I also believe many activities can be used in other subject areas as well, and on more than one grade level. Next you need to provide a "general ...

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