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Communication Strategies

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I have two scenarios below and I need to respond to the two different audiences in the two scenarios and provide two responses to both which includes showing (1) Use of Readability Formulas (2) good writing style and (2) building goodwill....

Scenario 1: The trip scheduled for Mexico during spring break has been cancelled due to the bankruptcy of the bus company. You must tell 25 of your classmates that the trip has been cancelled and that they have lost their $100 deposit. How will you convey the information and still uphold their goodwill toward you?

Scenario 2: Your local bank made a mistake on your printed checks. Additionally, the bank charged you for the checks, even though the order was supposed to be complimentary for customers opening a new account. How would you draft a letter that allows your irritation to work for, rather than against, you?

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In terms of scenario 1:
I regret to inform you that the trip to Mexico needs to be postponed until another to be determined date. Unfortunately, the bus company is no longer in business, and cannot uphold our travel arrangements. Although this means that we have all ...

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