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1. What is the author saying about the kinds of courage people have?
The author is says that courage is the foundation on which all other virtues and values rest.

2. Identify the audience for whom the author is writing. Explain why you think so.
The author is writing to a general audience, a combination of different groups of people. There is no indication of any special or groups with similiarities.

3. Examine how topic sentences in the body of paragraphs are used to create coherence in the essay. Give example of topic sentence and supporting sentence in the essay.

Topic sentences are used to create coherence because each sentence relates clearly to the topic sentence, each sentence flows smoothly into the next without obvious shifts, and highlight ties between old information and new information to make the structure of ideas or arguments clear to the reader.

Topic sentence: Most people think they know what courage is.

Supporting sentence. Others choose real-life heroes often those who confront great physical danger like firefighters or soldiers.

Identify aspects of the authorâ??s writing that make the essay effective and strong. Explain why these are strengths in her writing.

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For the student,
After having read the attached article myself, it became clearer on how to more effectively assist you on this assignment which I believe that you should be more detailed in some of the answers you provided. The original answers you provided seemed to be on the right track but you need to also be more specific which also means, you should read the article with more attention.

For example, 1. What is the author saying about the kinds of courage people have?
This question was asking for an answer that contains a plural word because your professor originally asked, what is the author saying about the "kinds" of courage...that word "kinds" should have given you a hint about where you can find it from the article: (This following sentence can be found at the end of the very first paragraph of the first page which you attached for me.)~ "May divides courage into four distinct types-physical, social, moral, and creative". I believe that the ...

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