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Personal Emergency Plan

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I need help developing thoughts for three questions about personal emergency plans.

1. What's the importance of making a personal emergency plan and the challenges in keeping emergency supply in household?

2. What items would need to be in the emergency plan?

3. What kind of barriers prevent people from creating plans, and one way to avoid those barriers?

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This solution provides a review of a personal emergency plan. It also involves reporting what barriers may occur to forming a plan.

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Personal Emergency Plans
I need help developing thoughts for three questions about personal emergency plans.
1. What's the importance of making a personal emergency plan and importance and challenges in keeping emergency supply in household?
2. What items would need to be in the emergency plan?
3. What kind of barriers prevent people from creating plans, and one way to avoid those barriers?
I need help on a graduate level. Thanks in advance.

A personal emergency plan can be a number of things. Some people take it to the
extreme. Others do what is necessary considering their own circumstances. Starting with those
who may be the extreme end of the continuum. They have been often referred to a "doomsday
preppers". The extreme measures may be building underground bunkers with life-saving
equipment that will sustain their ...

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