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Healthcare Organization (HCO)

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What are the implications of the present healthcare system in the United States (i.e., employers, employees, costs, types of coverage, etc.)? What are some of the factors that could be implemented to improve the present system? Thanks. US references only.

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This solution explores the implications of the present healthcare system in the United States (i.e., employers, employees, costs, types of coverage, etc.) and identifies some of the factors that could be implemented to improve the present system. US references provided. Supplemented with further information on the US health care system.

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Indeed, the United States spends more on health care than any other country in the world, yet nearly 44 million Americans lack medical coverage. While most Americans with health insurance rely on their employers for access to quality care, employers are increasingly shifting their rising costs to workers who struggle to pay higher premiums, deductibles and co-payments. And workers with coverage find themselves in a rapidly changing health care market where they are forced to bear more of the risk of catastrophic illness through cost-shifting and "consumer-driven" defined-contribution health plans. Workers may find themselves without coverage and access to care as a result of health care and insurance industry mergers, conversions of nonprofit health plans and profiteering drug companies that earn billions on the backs of working families and seniors. Patients deserve better. What can be done? Learn what's going on and how to make health care work for working families.

Some of the problems facing workers and their health care:
· Too many Americans have no health insurance.
· Too many employers refuse to offer affordable health insurance coverage to workers.
· Employers are shifting more costs to workers with higher premiums, deductibles and co-payments.
· Rising drug prices and drug company profits are driving up health care costs.
· Our health care system's lack of safety controls endanger front-line workers. (See attached article for detailed ...

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