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Range of motion and joint health through a life span

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What is the difference between active range of motion and passive range of motion? How do you identify which type of motion is indicated for the patient? How would you perform passive range of motion to the right arm? What positions would you move the major joints of the arm through? (Name the joint and movement of the joint).

There are considerations in performing exercises in various age groups. Identify a developmental stage (infancy through older adult), and provide two (2) considerations for that age group.

What positioning techniques should you consider with a patient who had a recent hip surgery? Is there any positioning device or devices you can use, if so what are they? What position or positions are contraindicated for this patient?

Base your initial post on your readings and research of this topic.

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As we physically change through our life span our risk for injury also changes. Protecting our joints starts with keeping our muscles, tendon and ligament healthy. This will also by default protect our bones

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What is the difference between active range of motion and passive range of motion? Active the patient completes independently-passives is where you protect the joint by holding the limb for instance and moving the joint yourself.

How do you identify which type of motion is indicated for the patient? ROM-range of motion is determined by a physician's order and or what the injury is what the limb/joint is and is ROM post-surgery. The ROM is appropriate to each joint and equal to its opposite joint.
Only active ROM increases muscle tone, mass, strength and improves cardiac and pulmonary functioning. Move each joint to the point of resistance, NOT pain. ROM is the extent of movement that a joint is normally capable of. Use good body mechanics as you do ROM with your patients.

How would you perform passive range of motion to the right arm? Always support the joint below the ROM
What positions would you move the major joints of the arm through? (Name the joint and movement of the joint). See terms I listed below

There are considerations in performing exercises in various age groups. Identify a developmental stage (infancy through older adult), and provide two (2) considerations for that age group.

Use critical thinking and the risks during each stage for considerations.
Look at normal physical development

Risks at Developmental Stages
A patient's developmental stage creates threats to safety as a result of lifestyle, cognitive and mobility status, sensory impairments, and safety awareness. With this information, you tailor safety prevention programs to the needs, preferences, and life circumstances of particular age-groups. Unfortunately all age-groups are subject to abuse. Child abuse, domestic violence, and elder abuse are serious threats to safety. Chapters 12 through 14 discuss these topics.

Infant, Toddler, and Preschooler
Injuries are the leading cause of death in children over age 1 and cause more death and disabilities than do all diseases combined (Hockenberry and Wilson, 2009). The nature of the injury sustained is closely related to normal growth and development. For example, the incidence of lead poisoning is highest in late infancy and toddlerhood. Children at this stage explore the environment and, because of their increased level of oral activity, put objects in their mouth. This increases risk for poisoning and choking. Fire often results from their curiosity in playing with matches. In addition, limited physical coordination contributes to falls from bicycles and playground equipment. ...

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