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Cynicism for a nursing leadership and management class

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Here is a rather positive interpretation of cynical behavior. I always view cynicism as negative until I read this. Do you think that this quote rings true about us, our colleagues, our staff?

"The player who looks least engaged may be the most committed member of the group. A cynic, after all, is a passionate person who does not want to be disappointed again...the secret is not to speak to a person's cynicism, but to speak to her passion."

What do you think about that? Did you know that beneath the cynicism we might see in our staff is a passionate person who cares a lot, but just doesn't want to be disappointed at imperfection again?

If that is so, how can we change our approach to engage them in their/our work?

Zander, R. (2000). The Art of Possibility. Penguin Books, 39.

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Cynicism was an ancient Greek philosophy, primarily concerned with virtue, whose followers were known as "The Dog Philosophers." They believed that virtue was the only necessity for happiness and that it was wholly sufficient for attaining happiness.

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Cynicism was an ancient Greek philosophy, primarily concerned with virtue, whose followers were known as "The Dog Philosophers." They believed that virtue was the only necessity for happiness and that it was wholly sufficient for attaining happiness. ...

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