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Medical Case: Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritis

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Mr. F is a 38-year-old man in overall good health who has been complaining about an aching pain in his knees when working around the house and often when simply walking. He has noticed that his knees feel "hard" and tight. His history indicates that he has always been involved in athletics and was on the college football team, but recently family responsibilities and work have not made it easy for him to exercise.

Relate Mr. F's case history to the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis.

How do anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics help Mr. F deal with this form of arthritis? Why is moderate, non-weight-bearing exercise recommended?

What is the probable prognosis for Mr. F?

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The Solution uses the example medical case to discuss the client and probable prognosis.

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Discussion Questions Relate Mr. F's case history to the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis.

In regard to the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis, this complex disease is characterized by a variety of biomechanical and metabolic variables that alter tissue homeostasis in the patient's articular cartilage and their subchondral bone. The extent of these alterations will determine the level of destruction that occurs within the patients' productive bone processes. Therefore, the cell/extracellular matrix interactions play a significant role in the pathophysiology in regard to osteoarthritis wherein these matrix interactions are mediated by surface integrins within cells.

The physiologic setting for patients suffering from osteoarthritis suffers from an abnormal integrin expression, and this is important when discussing the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis because integrins are responsible for modulating cell/cellular matrix signaling. These signals are the primary operational functions that regulate growth and differentiation as well as maintain cartilage homeostasis for the patient. The alteration that occurs during integrin expression helps alter cells that are responsible for modifying chondrocyte synthesis, which results in a chemical imbalance within the patient's cytokines that are destructive in regard to the necessary regulatory functions that are responsible for regulating these factors within the patient's body.

The osteoarthritis condition has traditionally been considered a disease of the elderly wherein as humans age, it has been considered normal for gradual wear and tear on human bones. New research contradicts this belief and it may be predicated upon the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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