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Nutrition and the Food Pyramid

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Based on personal fitness level, age, sex, and weight management goals, what is the recommended daily servings that a middle-aged overweight female with moderate physical activity should consume from each food group listed on the pyramid?

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Based on personal fitness level, age, sex, and weight management goals, this solution explains the recommended daily servings that a middle-aged overweight female with moderate physical activity should consume from each food group listed on the Food Pyramid.

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Your question is this: Based on personal fitness level, age, sex, and weight management goals, what is the recommended daily servings that a middle-aged overweight female with moderate physical activity should consume from each food group listed on the pyramid? (at least 70 words)
Before we get to the question, let's look briefly at the structure of the Pyramid. The structure of the Pyramid was chosen to convey ever-evolving nutrition science messages because it best illustrates the fundamental concepts of proportionality, variety, and moderation. These three components all contribute to overall dietary balance.

Dietary Proportionality
The order in which the five major groups are stacked and their relative positions in the pyramid outline, illustrate dietary proportionality. Given the large amount of space (volume) at the pyramid base dedicated to the breads, cereals, rice, and pasta, these foods should be eaten most prominently in our diets. Foods from this group serve as the energy ...

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