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Progression of Infant Food 0-12 Months

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What is the progression of solid food from 0 months to 12 months? Include the order of foods you would introduce first, second, third, etc. and the consistency of these foods such as pureed, mushy, chunky, etc.

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The solution outlines the progression of solid food for a human from 0 months to 12 months. The solution includes the order of foods one would introduce, as well as the type of consistency of such foods.

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Infants from 0-12 months require a diet that must be followed because this is the stage where the infant grow the most. Generally, breast milk or infant formula are the only nourishment needed by most healthy babies until they are 4-6 months old. However, solid foods are also require during this period.

Generally, breast milk or infant formula are the only nourishment needed by most healthy babies until they are 4-6 months old.
The ...

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