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Decision Tree for Self Care

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I need assistance explainng the decision-making process used when deciding whether or not to seek medical care for the types of symptoms listed in the chart. Provide an example for each of the five symptom categories; one example of when you would treat the symptom yourself, and one example of when you would seek professional care. Include who you would seek care from in your example.

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Solution Summary

This solution includes a chart of symptoms and makes recommendations for decision making, in determining whether symptoms can be addressed through self care measures, or whether medical consultation should be sought out to address the symptoms.

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The completed resource chart is attached, with examples.

1. Explain the decision-making process you use when deciding whether or not to seek medical care for the types of symptoms (Student would decide what symptoms used) student has list the chart. Provide an example for each of the five symptom categories; one example of when you would treat the symptom yourself, and one example of when you would seek professional care. Include who you would seek care from in your example.

This is an example of what could be used in the chart. If something else can be used in the chart

Symptom Category Decision-making process Example for ...

Solution provided by:
  • MEd, Jones International University
  • BSc, DeVry University
  • MPH, Walden University
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