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Development of Health Policies and Programs

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The goal is to understand the development of health policies and programs and address healthcare needs in the industry.

Research two separate generations from the list below and locate sources which provide personal perspectives on healthcare access:
Cohorts to Examine
- Post War Cohort born between 1928 and 1945
- Boomers I or the Baby Boomers born between 1946 and 1954
- Boomers II or Generation Jones born between 1955 and 1965
- Generation X born between 1966 - 1976
- Generation Y, Echo Boomers or Millenniums born between 1977 - 1994
- Generation Z born between 1995 and 2012 and

In your post, evaluate:
- how they accessed healthcare
- how they paid for healthcare
- where they received their healthcare
- how they viewed their healthcare and healthcare providers
- what health policies were implemented
- what health programs were implemented
- what healthcare needs still existed during their era

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Solution Summary

This solution gives sources of information to research the different generations as they pertain to health care. There are a few links as well as suggestions of how to search for the desired information. The information is specifically centered on Boomers I and Generation Z.

Solution Preview

This was a difficult project to research in that scholarly sources were a little allusive. I found a couple sites and articles that help give perspective to the Boomers I healthcare related issues. The Generation Z cohorts will be much easier to find sources for.

Eisenhower pushed the topic of health insurance at the end of the Boomers I era. In a message to congress (http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=10399) ...

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