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Identifying the Transmission and Symptoms of the Flu

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Please assist in identifying the transmission and symptoms of the flu, the treatments that are currently available, and how your organization can help mitigate the spread of this disease.

What are four possible questions regarding side effects of the treatments:

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The expert identities the transmission and symptoms of the flu. The four possible questions regarding side effects of the treatments are determined.

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Education is imperative in any healthcare organization. Identifying, and understanding, the transmission, symptoms and treatment options available for influenza (or "flu") can help prevent the spread of this disease.

Influenza is an infectious disease that's usually seasonal (typically in the winter months). It attacks the respiratory system. There are many different types of flu viruses (e.g. Type A, B, and C; Avian Flu, Swine Flu etc.). Some people are more susceptible to getting the flu virus, such as children and the elderly, but anyone can get the virus. Influenza is transmitted in one of three ways: (1) direct contact with someone who has the flu (2) inhalation of virus-laden aerosols (droplets of virus particles in the air) and (3) contact with germy objects (e.g. sink faucets, doorknobs etc.). Nose mucus is how the flu is transmitted through direct contact. Someone sneezes into their hands then touches a door knob. A healthy person comes behind them, touches the doorknob, and then touches their nose and/or eyes. It can also be transmitted through handshaking.

The most common symptom of the flu is a high fever. That's usually what distinguishes it from a cold or allergies. An infected person will ...

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