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Criminal Justice Report Analysis

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Criminal Justice (file attached)

Study the Final Project scenario carefully. Analyze the problem and develop a plan for need analysis. In this problem identification document, include the following information:

How would you document the need for change? What data would you collect and analyze in order to define the problem?
What do you believe may cause or be causes of the problem? Identify relevant research that supports your claim. For example, look at the literature on police brutality, police harassment, police corruption, or police-community problems.
Identify relevant stakeholders. Who might be affected by the problem? What is their interest in the problem?
Identify who is likely to support a certain course of action and who is likely to resist it? Present these barriers and supports for change in a force field analysis diagram.
Use references cite sources (file attached)

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Police corruption report analysis and recommendations.

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How would you document the need for change? What data would you collect and analyze in order to define the problem?

It is obvious that corruption at the department is rampant throughout including in the internal affairs department, which is the department that is supposed to punish and monitor unethical behavior in the police department. Therefore, an entire organizational change is mandated wherein the department needs to be either disbanded with state or federal authorities coming in to implement the needed changes or a federal agency can come and monitor the department while it's guided through the needed changes. The problem within this department is rampant corruption, a lack of accountability, and rampant racism.

What do you believe may cause or be causes of the problem? Identify relevant research that supports your claim. For example, look at the literature on ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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