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Juvenile Procedures and Age Requirement

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The infancy defense holds that juveniles are too young to understand and evaluate their actions, and tries to establish that mens rea, "the intent to commit a crime," is not present in the juvenile. In practice, however, if the crime is serious, the adult criminal court might try the case, if the prosecution can prove that the juvenile is mature enough. In this context, do you feel the minimum age requirement for trying a person in the juvenile justice system should remain in place? Why? Provide a rationale and examples to support your view.

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This solution discusses if juveniles should be tried as adults. A complete rationale, discussion, and references are provided.

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We're actually dealing with this exact situation in our neighborhood. In February of this year, a 17 year old student fatally wounded three students in a local high school and injured three others with gunshot wounds. Here are a few links to the case, if you'd like to read about it:

Although he is 18 now, he was 17 when the shootings took place. There was ...

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