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One approach to deal with sexually violent predators is to n

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One approach to deal with sexually violent predators is to not release them after their prison terms, but instead to confine them in special prisons or units for civil commitments.â? Do you agree or disagree with the use of civil commitments, and why? What criteria should be used before releasing an offender from civil commitment?

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One approach to deal with sexually violent predators is to not release them after their prison terms, but instead to confine them in special prisons or units for civil commitments.â? Do you agree or disagree with the use of civil commitments, and why? What criteria should be used before releasing an offender from civil commitment?

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This is a really tough and controversial area. I actually agree with the use of civil commitments for sexual predators due to the nature of the crime. We're talking about violent sexual predators here, that have been convicted of an offense. One of the biggest problems with releasing prisoners after their sentence has ended, or on other grounds, is that there is no way to ...

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