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Juveniles as Adults

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Do you think there are some situations where juveniles should be tried as adults? If so, when?
If juveniles are tried as adults, how should they be sentenced and incarcerated?
Can the more rehabilitative philosophy of the juvenile court be applied when a juvenile is tried in an adult court?
How do the criminological theories contribute to transferring juveniles to adult jurisdictions?
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This solution explains the prosecution of juveniles as adults. The sources used are also included in the solution.

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There are some situations where juveniles should be tried as adults. The first situation is when the juvenile is close to adult age. if the juveniles commits a serious crime say one month before adult age, he should be tried as an adult. Second, if the juvenile has committed a serious crime before, has been tried and found guilty, and the crime is repeated, he should be tried as an adult (a). Third, if the juvenile has committed a serious crime and there are reasons to believe that the juvenile knew the gravity of the crime, he should be punished like an adult. Fourth, if a serious crime such as rape, murder, or torture is committed in an egregious manner. For example, more than one person has been killed, or rape plus murder has been committed, the juvenile should be tried as an adult.

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