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You want to fence in a rectangular area, but first you must determine the dimensions of the area.

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Congratulations, you have just purchased your first house. Unfortunately, the builder forgot to put a fence around the property and you must now put a fence up so that you can let your pet out in the backyard, without fear of it running away.

(My pet would be a large dog such as a Mastiff).

You want to fence in a rectangular area, but first you must determine the dimensions of the area.
1.Different pets need to have different areas. For example, a horse needs more space than a dog. Determine an area that is appropriate for your pet.
2.Define the shape of the rectangular area by establishing a relationship between the length and width of the rectangle. For example, L = 2W + 5, or W = 3L - 4. Be sure to include the appropriate units (inches, feet, yards, miles, or meters).
3.Using the fact that A = LW, together with the relationship defined in step 2, eliminate one of the variables to set up a quadratic equation.
4.Solve the quadratic equation using any of the techniques learned in this unit. The solution(s) will be one of the dimensions; use step 2 to find the other.
5.Now determine the perimeter so that you will know how much fencing to buy.
6.Summarize your findings in writing using proper style and grammar.
7.Include references formatted according to APA style.

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