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Adding, subtracting, multiplying negative and positive numbers

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Need help to verify if the answers are correct. I get really confused with this stuff. Sometimes I can't remember the correct sign to use(positive or negative). Please provide step by step instructions so that I am able to better understand how to solve the problems.

Find the sum:
1. -2 + (-3) = -5
2. 8 - 7 + = 5
3. 8 + (-5) = 3
4. 15 + (-3) = 12
5. -16 + 8 = -8
6. 7 + (-10) = 3
7. -9 + (-5) = -14
8. -12 +14 = 2

Find each difference.
9. 9 - 26 = 17
10. -4 - 15 = 19
11. 21 - (-7) = 28
12. 27 - (-16) = 43
13. -16 - (-43) = -59
14. 47 - 19 = 28
15. -156 - 98 = 254
16. -192 - 47 = 239
17. 0 - (-51) = -51
18. -63 - 89 = -23
19. -12 - (-21) = -33
20. 92 - (-16) = -76

Find each product or quotient.
21. -36/9 = -4
22, -52/-4 = +13
23. (-5) * (-20 ) = -100
24. -63/-9 = 7
25. (-15) * (2) = 30
26. 22/-2 = -11
27. (13) * (-6) = -78
28. -100/-5 = 20
29. (-60) * (-3) = 180
30. -240/30 = -8
31. (43) * (-8) = -344
32. -169/-13 = 13

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Solution Summary

The attached solution contains basic instructions to perform simple operations on negative numbers. The solution specifically outlines how to perform a multiplication, summation, division, and addition on equations involving positive and negative numbers. For every operation set of examples are also provided to cover all the cases.

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(--Please note that my work should only be used as a guidance and not be copied into your assignments.
The answers available here are meant for assistance and the understanding of challenging academic topics.
Use the solution alongside your own work and watch your knowledge and grades soar!--)

Find the sum:

Some things to remember while adding positive and negative numbers --
a. Performing a sum on a positive number and a negative number is simply a subtraction where you subtract negative number from positive.
b. Performing a sum on 2 negative numbers is simply an addition of those 2 numbers and then putting a negative sign in front of them.

1. -2 + (-3) = -5 --> Use the principle (b) from above. (add negative numbers and just put a - in front)
2. 8 - 7 + = 5 --> Is this 8 - 7 or what ? Please message me, and I'll let you know the answer.
3. 8 + (-5) = 3 --> Use the principle (a) from above. (subtract negative number from positive 8 - 5 )
4. 15 + ...

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