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Graphical representation of functions

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1. Give an example of an exponential function. Convert this exponential function to a logarithmic function. Plot the graph of both the functions and post to the discussion forum. Discuss these functions and their graphs with your classmates.

2. Given the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, x, and y, form each of the following:

? A linear equation in one variable
? A linear equation in two variables
? A quadratic equation
? A polynomial of three terms
? An exponential function
? A logarithmic function

Compare all the functions written by you and discuss their differences.

3. Plot the graph of the above equations formed by you (in question 2) and post your response to the discussion forum. Label your graphs correctly.

4. How do you think the knowledge of graphical representation of these functions will help you in your career or in the future?

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Solution Summary

There are several problems regarding graphical representations of the various types of function families.

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