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Integers and Equations using the Multiplication Principle

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Solve using the Multiplication principle.
Determine whether 24 is a solution of the equation;
Translate to an algebraic expression
Solve using the addition principle

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Solution Summary

This provides examples of working with algebra problems, including solving equations, writing algebraic expressions, and performing operations on positive and negative integers.

Solution Preview

Solve using the Multiplication principle. Don't forget to check.
Divide each side by -17
=> x = 187/-17 = -11
Substitute x = -11, we will get
-17(-11) = 187
Thus it is correct.
Determine whether 24 is a solution of the equation; x+11=33; Is 24 a solution? Yes or NO
N0, because 24 + 11 = 43
Solve using the principle don't forget to check: 2x-14=2
The solution is x=
Add 14 to each side
2x = 16
 x = 8
Substitute x = 8 in given equation
2(8) - 14 = 16 -14 = 2
Thus, it satisfies the given equation.
The solution is x = 8.

3. Solve : 5(x-6) + 4= 7(x+2)-8
5x - 30 + 4 = 7x + 14 - 8
5x - 26 = 7x + 6
5x - 7x = 6 + 26
-2x = 32
=> x = 32/-2 = -16

4. Simplify; [3-8(7-8)]
= [ 3 - 8(-1)] = 3 + 8 = 11
5. Translate to an algebraic expression; The product of 38% and some number
The ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Meerut University
  • MSc, Meerut University
  • MPhil, Institute of Advanced Studies
  • MSc, AIT
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