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The three different media outlets of radio, Internet, and newspaper are to be offered on weekends or weekdays, and then either between 7 a.m.-3 p.m., 3 p.m.-11 p.m. or 11 p.m.-7 a.m.

How many different possibilities exist? List the possibilities and verify your listing with the multiplication principle for counting.

Suppose that your boss has decided that he wants to do a variety of three different groupings based from problem II. For example, one grouping might be (Radio-Weekday-7 a.m., Internet-Weekend-11 p.m., Newspaper-Weekday-3 p.m.).

Explain to your boss how many varieties he has to choose from and how you arrived at this value.


After seeing the many ways that your boss has to choose from part III, you have decided to put together a team to examine these possibilities. The team will consist of a team leader, advertising expert, and a mathematician. The first person chosen on the team will be the team leader, second will be the advertising expert, and the third will be the mathematician. You have narrowed down your choices to Chris, Bob, and Sally.

List the different ways that you can put together this team of experts. Does the order of the members matter? Explain.

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The three different media outlets of radio, Internet, and newspaper are to be offered on weekends or weekdays, and then either between 7 a.m.-3 p.m., 3 p.m.-11 p.m. or 11 p.m.-7 a.m. How many different possibilities exist? List the possibilities and verify your listing with the multiplication principle for counting.


You have 3 choice for media outlet, 2 choices for weekend vs. weekday, and 3 choices for time slot. The multiplication principle says that you have 3 x 3 x 2 = 18 choices. Here is a list of all the different possibilities:

Day Time Slot Media

Weekday 7 - 3 Radio
Weekday 7 - 3 Internet
Weekday 7 - 3 Newspaper
Weekday 3 - 11 Radio
Weekday 3 - 11 Internet
Weekday 3 - 11 Newspaper
Weekday 11 - 7 Radio
Weekday 11 - ...

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